Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Miss Annabelle

One of my coworkers recently got a puppy and yesterday she came to the office for a visit. She is just the cuddliest, softest, cutest little thing! I could not RESIST her ears! And her rolls of skin and her little wet nose and that adorable little face...

I'm realizing that this blog makes me look like a dog fanatic, which I am not. :o) I have a soft spot for puppies and very well behaved dogs, but I don't gush over every dog I see on the street. However, if I walk by a house with a cat lounging in the driveway, chances are I will stop to see if it needs petting.


Eva said...

I love cats too but am crazy allergic. There's a great pet store here that has a room of puppies and one of kittens that you can go in and visit. We go when we have nieces/nephews in town. Eric thinks I'm crazy because I go in the kitten room and make myself sick, once, literally, for 2 days after.

Mikaila said...

That's horrible that you're so allergic! Who can resist a furry little kitten? :o) My roommate and I are considering getting a cat next month.