Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A day with my boys

This weekend Steve and Jordan came over for awhile and Steve wanted to take a walk over to the stadium to check out the progress on the new side (and JumboTron) they added. It turns out the stadium was actually open so we were able to walk around inside which Jordan thought was pretty stinkin' cool. Here are some pictures from the day!
We "hid" from Daddy and jumped out to scare him which sent Jordan into a total fit of giggles.

On the field!
Yes, we ran from one end to the other and I wished I'd had my inhaler with me by the end of the day!

We walked up about a bajillion flights of stairs and this picture totally cracks me up. I'm sure they're marking the cracks but doesn't it look like they're just trying to hold them together with a flimsy little piece of blue tape? =)

Yes, this made me nervous, especially because I was getting a bit dizzy from being up that high and I was also completely out of breath. He was totally good though and kept himself very safe.

This is the view from that GIGANTIC side of the stadium they built last year (or the year before - whenever it was).

I love days like that where we the three of us can just BE around each other and do fun things together. I could tell Jordan was having an absolute blast climbing everywhere and it was exciting for him because it was a new place. This weekend we're going to Enchanted Forest again which will be fun because he LOVES that place, too.

And now I'm off to call more insurance companies!

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