Monday, September 10, 2007

First day of school! First day of school!

Here's my boy on his first day of Kindergarten!

He was all jazzed and ready to go and I think he enjoyed his first day. He's actually a repeat kindergartner and I think the only glitch in the day was when he wondered why his best friend from last year is in the first grade now and he's not. He was assured that he can play with Mario at recess and we're keeping it positive and focusing more on things like him being a leader in the class and already knowing some of the stuff they'll learn rather than telling him he's repeating a grade. I think it's going to really help him to be ahead when he does start first grade, rather than struggle through several grades and always being just a little behind his classmates. Our big focus this year is reading. Every night before bed and during the day, too!

After Steve picked him up from school they came and had lunch with me (Steve usually gets off work around 1:30 so this is actually a first). I had ordered my lunch from Pita Pit and we drove about a mile to a park and let Jordan play (ecxept that it was REALLY hot out!). (Disclaimer: All photos in this post were taken on cell phones.)
This was from Saturday when we played at a park in Albany. I tell ya, sometimes the kid is just photogenic.
And then this, which I wouldn't call photogenic, but was too funny to pass up posting.

I have a job interview tomorrow so think happy thoughts for me!

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