Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunny day, sweepin the clouds away...

You know, there's something... disturbing about having an old friend find you on Facebook, getting all excited to catch up with this person, and then going to their page and seeing that not only does it appear that they are now bisexual, but they have a photo album from a recent camping trip with their boyfriend, which includes a whole gammot of risque pictures on the beach. On sencond though, maybe I DON'T want to catch up with this person.

I'm super excited for the next 4 days or so! Last night was a family game night (which more or less flopped, but hey, it was fun). Today I'm spending time with my boys, maybe going to a new park or something, but enjoying the sunshine and the company most of all! Tomorrow is church, but I have to leave early to provide coverage at work (overtime for me and Sundays are SO slow) and then Steve and Jordan are coming over for my family birthday dinner! Jordan is SO excited to play Bionicles with Colby. Then Monday is my birthday! We're training doctors on the new e-signature program that day so it'll be crazy busy (plus I'm doing someone else's job in the afternoon so I have to have all of MY work done by 11:30 that day). Steve and I are going out for a date night and I am so looking forward to having adult time. Dinner, drinks, teaching me how to play pool... I'm excited. Then Tuesday I have the day off! And then fast forward to Friday and I get a night out with friends, which I'm also very excited about. Diana is coming down for it and I haven't seen her since we moved in December. It's gonna be a fun week!

And now I'm off to start on my 21st birthday blog, which you must now all wait impatiently for cuz it's gonna be good. =)


Diaria said...

Oh, hey, having nothing to do with your post, but I want to share anyways...

So, you need to tell Tessa (or if she is reading this, good enough), that I saw her doppleganger today!!! (If she doesn't know what that word means, unlike squadilobople, humpledimple, and quadruple (teehee) this isn't a made-up word. It is the "evil twin" that everyone has wandering around on earth...course in Tessa's case, I think she is the evil one...) Anyways, just let her know that her doppleganger is a male, but has the same face, hairstyle, voice, and general appearance as her. I had to do a double take!!!!

Tessa said...

I oughta pop you for saying quadruple... ;]

Diaria said...

My buddy at work kicked over some gas cylinders and scared the crap out of me today....does that work as a substitute for a pop? My butt sure popped...or rather tightened pretty good...