Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - 13 things I am thinking about a lot lately

(Who likes my Pieces of Flair 13 today? :)

1. The upcoming storms that we're getting weather advisories on! Apparently it's supposed to be VERY COLD for the next week or so (some days the HIGH will be around freezing).

2. Puppy sitting! I'm anxious for next Thursday because I can't wait to be at that nice quiet house. :)

3. Caregiving. I get to go meet Dorothy and see her house after work today and find out more about what she's looking/hoping for. Keep praying for me!

4. My stinky apartment. I've started documenting when the smells/noise are really bad so that I'll have something written in my rental file.

5. My parents.

6. My cousin's bridal shower this weekend. :)

7. Christmas! I am not huge on gifts, only because it gets so expensive and overwhelming to buy a gift for every person who means something to you. I tend to stick to my immediate family, plus a couple of very special people (who are also family, actually). I have all the gifts decided on and about half of them bought. Yay!

8. My great friends.

9. The possibility of moving. Again.

10. Visiting a cousin and a friend in January, on two different weekends, one of them in Washington.

11. My upcoming very special date with my wonderful boyfriend.

12. Menu planning

13. Blogging. Have you noticed the amount of posts this week? I'm hoping to keep it up. :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Yes, I have noticed! ;D And you are doing a great job. (Like the flair too, btw. How'd you get it on blogger?)