Thursday, October 14, 2010


Miss us?

Here's what we've been up to!

Starting 3rd grade...

Learning our best friend is in our class...

Attending the annual Pirate Party that Mommy's friend throws...

Snuggling babies...

Jumping in leaves...

Spending afternoons with friends...

Canning delicious applesauce...

EATING delicious applesauce...

Learning to ride a unicycle!

Trying new foods...

Looking at possible wedding venues...

Attending game nights with friends from church...

Playing with WORMS...

Making a worm farm...
Celebrating five year anniversaries!

Enjoying Mommy's favorite season... fall!


Diaria said...

That is awesome!!!! ew on the worms, but score on possible wedding venues (any updates on that matter?).

Wow, five years!!!!

Sister, we need each other! said...

Hello! I saw your response from my post about finding a MckMama fan in every state and wanted to see if you would send me an email w/ your state in the subject line (if you have not already)… I am trying to put something together for her and need to get email addresses so I can get everyone’s participation! I am so excited and I know she will love what “we” are all going to do!! If you have any friends/family that are MckMama fans tell them to do the same!!\\